>>> Leslie Trundy wrote:
> attempted to delete the additional 2 copies and received this message:
> Campus Error java.sql.SQLException: The DELETE statementconflicted with the
> REFERENCE constraint "FK_HouseholdMember_Person".The conflict occurred in
> database "rsu1", table "dbo.HouseholdMember",column 'personID'.
This piece of the error message:
is the clue you need. The Person you are trying to delete is still tied to a Household. The first step will be to visit the two phantom People and break their tie to a Household. The best way to keep your head on straight while doing this is to use the Person ID. You can see this by letting your mouse hover over a Person in the Found list (it's also on Census->Demographics). It will be unique for each Person regardless of any other info. So, jot down the IDs of the real and phantom copies of a Person to be sure you delete the correct ones. For each phantom Person, note the names of the Household(s) to which they belong. The next step is to Search->Household.
Now, you may find that there are also multiple copies of a Household (typical if there are multiple copies of the Person). Same thing applies. Let your mouse "hover over" the found Households so their ID will pop-up and identify by ID which ones you want to keep and which ones should be deleted. For each phantom Household, visit the Members tab, select each Person, and click delete. This will NOT delete the Person, it will just break the membership tie between the Person and the Household.
Once all the Members are removed from the phantom Household, you'll want to move to the "Household Info" tab and click Delete to remove it ... BUT ... chances are you'll get an error similar to the first one indicating the household cannot be deleted because it is still tied to an address! Visiting the Addresses tab of a Household, you can select each Address and click Delete to break the tie. Before you do this, however, there is still one more thing to check. You may also have phantom addresses!
So, use Search->Address and put in the street number (or some other identifying characteristic) of the Address from the phantom Household. If you find you have duplicate Addresses, hover over them to see their IDs and determine which is the good Address and which are phantom Addresses. Now return to the phantom Household and delete the tie to the address.
Once the phantom Household has no ties to other objects, you can click delete on the "Household Info" tab without getting an error. Once the phantom Households are deleted, you can return to the phantom Addresses and delete them as well.
Now return to the phantom Person and try deleting again. If you get another error, chances are that Person is still tied to another object of some kind. Look in the first line of the error for a key word such as "Person", "Household", "Address", "Relationship", etc, and this will tell you what kind of tie you need to break before you can finally delete the Person. Simply repeat the process above until all ties to other objects are gone, and you will be able to delete the Person error-free.
> attempted to delete the additional 2 copies and received this message:
> Campus Error java.sql.SQLException: The DELETE statementconflicted with the
> REFERENCE constraint "FK_HouseholdMember_Person".The conflict occurred in
> database "rsu1", table "dbo.HouseholdMember",column 'personID'.
This piece of the error message:
is the clue you need. The Person you are trying to delete is still tied to a Household. The first step will be to visit the two phantom People and break their tie to a Household. The best way to keep your head on straight while doing this is to use the Person ID. You can see this by letting your mouse hover over a Person in the Found list (it's also on Census->Demographics). It will be unique for each Person regardless of any other info. So, jot down the IDs of the real and phantom copies of a Person to be sure you delete the correct ones. For each phantom Person, note the names of the Household(s) to which they belong. The next step is to Search->Household.
Now, you may find that there are also multiple copies of a Household (typical if there are multiple copies of the Person). Same thing applies. Let your mouse "hover over" the found Households so their ID will pop-up and identify by ID which ones you want to keep and which ones should be deleted. For each phantom Household, visit the Members tab, select each Person, and click delete. This will NOT delete the Person, it will just break the membership tie between the Person and the Household.
Once all the Members are removed from the phantom Household, you'll want to move to the "Household Info" tab and click Delete to remove it ... BUT ... chances are you'll get an error similar to the first one indicating the household cannot be deleted because it is still tied to an address! Visiting the Addresses tab of a Household, you can select each Address and click Delete to break the tie. Before you do this, however, there is still one more thing to check. You may also have phantom addresses!
So, use Search->Address and put in the street number (or some other identifying characteristic) of the Address from the phantom Household. If you find you have duplicate Addresses, hover over them to see their IDs and determine which is the good Address and which are phantom Addresses. Now return to the phantom Household and delete the tie to the address.
Once the phantom Household has no ties to other objects, you can click delete on the "Household Info" tab without getting an error. Once the phantom Households are deleted, you can return to the phantom Addresses and delete them as well.
Now return to the phantom Person and try deleting again. If you get another error, chances are that Person is still tied to another object of some kind. Look in the first line of the error for a key word such as "Person", "Household", "Address", "Relationship", etc, and this will tell you what kind of tie you need to break before you can finally delete the Person. Simply repeat the process above until all ties to other objects are gone, and you will be able to delete the Person error-free.