You can get any data available in Infinite Campus into a Spreadsheet for other uses quite easily. Go to:
Select the Export Report you want by expanding a Group (click the "+" sign) and highlighting the name of the Report
To the right in the "Pick an Export Format" section, be sure the "HTML list report" is selected ... it should always be the default.
Click the "Export" button and a new window will appear with your data in rows and columns. With this window in front, use Edit->SelectAll, Edit->Copy, then switch to a blank spreadsheet, click in the top-left cell, and use Edit->Paste. The data should now appear in the spreadsheet neatly in columns and rows, and you can sort, organize, and modify as you like.
Q: What if a new window doesn't appear when I click "Export"?
Q: What if I do not have "Index->AdHocReporting->DataExport" as an option?
Q: What if none of the current Ad Hoc Reports have the data in which I'm interested?
Q: Can I make my own Ad Hoc Reports?
Select the Export Report you want by expanding a Group (click the "+" sign) and highlighting the name of the Report
To the right in the "Pick an Export Format" section, be sure the "HTML list report" is selected ... it should always be the default.
Click the "Export" button and a new window will appear with your data in rows and columns. With this window in front, use Edit->SelectAll, Edit->Copy, then switch to a blank spreadsheet, click in the top-left cell, and use Edit->Paste. The data should now appear in the spreadsheet neatly in columns and rows, and you can sort, organize, and modify as you like.
Q: What if a new window doesn't appear when I click "Export"?
A: First, minimize the current window in front. Sometimes, depending on your system and browser, the new window appears *behind* the current window and may just be hidden. Second, look on your desktop for a file named "extract.html". Sometimes, depending on your system and browser, the data is saved to a file instead of opened in a new window. Third, use your computer's "Find" or "Search" to look for a file named "extract.html". Sometimes, depending on your system and browser, the data is saved to a file in a location other than your desktop.
Q: What if I do not have "Index->AdHocReporting->DataExport" as an option?
A: If you do not have access to AdHocReporting, please ask for access via the HelpDesk.
Q: What if none of the current Ad Hoc Reports have the data in which I'm interested?
A: We are happy to make any Ad Hoc Reports you need, just send a message to the HelpDesk that specifies exactly which data you need. For example, "I need a report that includes StudentID, Last Name, First Name, and the data shown in StudentInfo->General->Assessment->DRA->Comprehension".
Q: Can I make my own Ad Hoc Reports?
A: Yes, but you have to have some training first. Please send a request to the HelpDesk for "Creating Ad Hoc Reports" training, and specify a few dates and times you could meet with a trainer for a focused hour of personal in-service.