Infinite Campus

Calendar Day Events

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Calendar Day Events
by Lawrence Bean - Tuesday, 3 March 2009, 10:05 AM
Calendar Day Events are intended to manage the BIG EVENTS (In-Service, Holiday, Professional Development, Snow Days, etc.) that affect student Instruction and Attendance. It is NOT intended to enter school "activities" (Christmas Concert, Permission Slips Due, Away Game, etc).

Because something like a Cancellation Day or Professional Day may vary from building to building in large school systems, these events need to be changed on each school calendar individually. Think of each School Calendar as a District Calendar which can be individualized for each school building.

The Event Type is selected from a limited pull-down menu, however we do have editing power over this menu. If you find something is lacking, please ask to have it added.

Be sure you have the proper Year and School selected

Navigate to:

Use the "<<" and ">>" on either side of the current month showing to find the correct day

Click on the Day in which you want to note an event

In the new palette which appears, click "Add Day Event"

Select the event in question from the pull-down

If this event only used part of the day, you may enter the duration of the event and enter the number of instructional minutes that were successfully completed. This would be used, for example, if school were unexpectedly called off early for some reason after session began, and the missed time would have to be made up on a later date. In most cases these two fields can be left blank.

If this event causes this day to not be a student day (e.g. a cancellation day due to snow), untick the boxes for "School Day", "Instruction", and "Attendance". It will be a very unusual circumstance in which one of these boxes remains ticked without the others.

If you want, you may enter any comments you believe would be found helpful at a later date.

Click "Save"

If this event causes an extension of the school year (e.g. every snow day MUST be made up at the end of the year), move to the end of the year, select the next available day in the calendar, tick the boxes for "School Day", "Instruction", and "Attendance", select "Make Up Day" from the pull-down, a comment about why the extra day is being added (e.g. "Snow Day 2/23") and save. If you have a Schedule Rotation (e.g. Blue & White days) you will also have to select which kind of day it will be before you are allowed to save.