Infinite Campus

Average Daily Attendance Report

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Average Daily Attendance Report
by Lawrence Bean - Thursday, 4 December 2008, 4:07 PM
>>> Delyse Conley wrote:
> We just received an email from Veda Ferris asking for an ADA report from
> September through December 1st. Any words of wisdom?

Go to:
Attendance->Reports->"ADM and ADA Detail"
Set the bookend dates, I assume 9/3/2008 (first day of school) and 12/1/2008 ... or should it be 11/30/2008?
You don't need an ad-hoc filter because we're reporting all students
Select the Summary (instead of Detail)
Select "DAILY APPROXIMATION" because Maine reports half/whole day absence, not by the minute
Select "Active Year" and click to highlight your school
Click Generate Report


The Student Count is the average number of students enrolled during the period, not the exact number enrolled today. See if this number is in the ball-park.

Next look at ADA (Average Daily Attendance). If you subtract this from the student count, this gives the average number of kids absent on any given day.

Example: Student Count for the school is 264, ADA is 243.2, so the difference is about 21 ... so does 21 kids absent on any given day sound reasonable?

All of the rest of the numbers in the report are generated from these two numbers, so if these two sound right you can accept the others are right, too.