>>> Debra MacPhee wrote:
> I am trying to figure out how to print out a report that lists
> only the "F's" (failing grades).
This is done using Grading&Standards->Reports->GradesReport
Select one or more Grade Levels you want to check, or and Ad-Hoc Filter of Students, and set the "Enrollment Effective Date" if you want to exclude students who have moved since that date.
Select the Term(s) you want to check
Select the Teacher(s) whose classes you want to check
Select how you would like the report to be Sorted/Grouped
Click "Show Available Scores"
Tick the checkboxes for each Grade/Score you want to include in the report.
> I am trying to figure out how to print out a report that lists
> only the "F's" (failing grades).
This is done using Grading&Standards->Reports->GradesReport
Select one or more Grade Levels you want to check, or and Ad-Hoc Filter of Students, and set the "Enrollment Effective Date" if you want to exclude students who have moved since that date.
Select the Term(s) you want to check
Select the Teacher(s) whose classes you want to check
Select how you would like the report to be Sorted/Grouped
Click "Show Available Scores"
Tick the checkboxes for each Grade/Score you want to include in the report.
Only tick "Missing" to see which grading boxes are blank
Only tick "F" or "4" to see Failing or "Does not Meet"
Tick any other combination to meet your needs
Click Generate ReportOnly tick "F" or "4" to see Failing or "Does not Meet"
Tick any other combination to meet your needs