Infinite Campus

Contact List Not Showing All Students

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Contact List Not Showing All Students
by Lawrence Bean - Wednesday, 3 December 2008, 2:02 PM
>>> Lisa Donovan wrote:
> I am trying to get name, parent, address and phone number
> I went under AdHoc->DataExport->Secretary->ContactList
> I did export and got only 5 students

This will be because you have not yet set up the Relationships of your students to their Guardians. This contact list only brings up the Primary Guardian. If a student does not show, you have no Primary Guardian defined. If a student shows twice (or more), you have two or more people assigned as Primary Guardian.

For each student, go to
and from the pull-down list select the type of Realtionship which should be assigned to this student. Please note that although Infinite Campus will NOT prevent you from defining more that one Primary Guardian, the State of Maine requires that only one person may be defined as the Primary Guardian for each student. If you assign Primary Guardian to multiple people, at some point you may need to go back and un-do this. Anyone who is assigned a Guardian title should also have the Guardian checkbox ticked.

We have the ability to add a new categories to the drop-down if you have a relationship which does not fit one currently available. Currently possible relationships are:
Guardian, Other
Guardian, Primary
Guardian, Secondary
Guardian, State
Parent, Non-Custodial

Please note that you should NOT delete a relationship if it was a valid relationship which has changed (e.g. switched doctors). Instead, you should end-date the old one and then create a new Relationship. Feel free to delete any Relationship which is simply in error.

Tick the "Guardian" checkbox if this person is a legal guardian of the student.
Tick the "Mailing" checkbox if this person should have a mailing generated for them (i.e. second report card for separated parent).
Tick the "Portal" checkbox if this person should have access to the student's personal information via the Web Portal.
Tick the "Messenger" checkbox if this person should get email alerts for this student.
Tick the "Private" checkbox if this Relationship should be "hidden".