Cost of Life: Questions

Success = Survival

Success = Survival
by Robert Jordan - Sunday, 2 May 2010, 7:32 PM
I played the game several times and finally had one member of the family survive through year 4. The game congratulated me, and went on to describe my rather miserable condition. I doubt I would have survived a year 5. I attached my congratulations sheet, which I found morbidly amusing.

Unlike other games, the point wasn't really to win, but to understand that poor Haitians face huge obstacles that impede progress. Luck, particularly with regard to the weather, health and accidents, seems to pay a huge role and hard work does not necessarily pay off. It became clear to me that health needed to be a primary concern because earning power declined quickly when the Haitians experienced sickness of injuries.

Here are my Essential Questions:
1- To what degree do luck, hard work, and skill/ability determine the life outcomes for different people? (Does this vary depending upon a person's place of birth, social class, or other variables?)

2- What, if anything, should wealthy people and nations do to help poor people in countries like Haiti?

Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Re: Success = Survival
by Mary Ellen Morin - Monday, 3 May 2010, 8:51 AM
This game does hit home with the reality of people living in these poor countries. Was watching a show last night on all the "e-waste" (electronic waste) in China and the health risks it is causing.

I agree that this game makes these awful living conditions blatantly clear and puts in the forefront the question of "How do we help?"

Great write up, Robert!
Picture of Martha Simpson
Re: Success = Survival
by Martha Simpson - Monday, 3 May 2010, 8:27 PM
I agree that it almost seems hopeless to think that a whole family might survive an expected lifespan.

There was an interesting story on television last night as part of House Makeover. An American couple in Texas adopted four children with special needs from Kazakstan. One is a 7 year old girl who is a triple amputee. When her mother told her that she had just read an article stating that the earth quake in Haiti had caused more people to be amputees than ever before in such a short length of time, she wanted to help immediately. She opened her trunk of prostheses and said that she wanted to send them to Haiti. During the family's vacation while the new home was being built, the family was shown through skype while a Haitian girl was being fitted with her former leg and then was able to walk again for the first time since the quake. If a seven year old can help, perhaps we all could do a little something.
Picture of Cecilia Smith
Re: Success = Survival
by Cecilia Smith - Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 10:37 PM
I agree, I appreciated the fact that the game was not to win but to gain understanding, and I did.
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: Success = Survival
by Jean McGuigan - Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 9:45 AM
Nice Job! Robert, I was not nearly as successful as you but I'd like to say "Thanks for the picture so I could see what the results look like." This was very helpful.
Picture of Kelli Rogers
Re: Success = Survival
by Kelli Rogers - Wednesday, 12 May 2010, 6:15 AM
I thought you framed your questions really nicely. The thought of "luck" never really occurred to me as it is difficult to measure, but it does provoke a lot of thought...