A good game

What makes a good player/game?

Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
What makes a good player/game?
by Mary Ellen Morin - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:02 PM
A good game is challenging but allows for success.

A good player can learn from his/her mistakes and then perseveres to see if he/she can get further or do better in the game.
Picture of Cecilia Smith
Re: What makes a good player/game?
by Cecilia Smith - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:09 PM
keeping frustration levels low is important
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: What makes a good player/game?
by Jean McGuigan - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:10 PM
I agree about the success being within reach of the participant. That is what I hope to gain from this course is to create more materials to allow more success for those students who are being delayed for whatever reason.
Picture of Martha Simpson
Re: What makes a good player/game?
by Martha Simpson - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:16 PM
I think the trick is to make the game interesting enough that the students will persevere until they get it right, rather than giving up.
Picture of Darcy Emerson
Re: What makes a good player/game?
by Darcy Emerson - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:22 PM
Hi ME-
When I read your entry I wondered about your love of the game, Survivor, and how that would influence your answers. Being able to learn from one's errors is definitely high on my list too, when it comes to the value of a game. So many times we do not allow kids to make a mistake- life is full of them, why don't we utilize them in school more often?