Invalidate a Student's Test

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Invalidate a Student's Test
by Lawrence Bean - Wednesday, 13 May 2009, 8:41 PM
From: ecox@rsu1.org
We had a student take a nwea reading test in 8 minutes. Now he's taking
the test again and looking like he's going to repeat the same speed. His
teacher does not believe he's reading the questions.
How do you invalidate a test?

According to NWEA, there are a number of "valid" reasons to invalidate a test for a student. Among them are:

Copies or receives verbal help from another student.
Answers randomly without reading the questions.
Refuses to take or continue the test.
Seems unable to comprehend directions or questions.
Exhibits disabling anxiety.
Becomes ill during the test.
Uses a hand-held calculator or inappropriately accesses an on-screen calculator.

To Invalidate a student's test, you need to submit a "Data Repair Request" located here: http://www.nwea.org/support/details.aspx?content=600
along with the instructions for filing it. In this case, the "appropriate" DRR form will be "Data Repair Request - Delete Test Event"