
Managing X-Serve Print Server Job Queue

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Managing X-Serve Print Server Job Queue
by Lawrence Bean - Tuesday, 10 March 2009, 7:19 PM
Open Server Admin and connect to the server.

At the Server (or via Remote Desktop), find "Server Admin" in the dock and click to activate it. Click the Connect button, then enter the Address "localhost" and the admin name and password.

At any computer with VPN access to the building, open Server Admin locally, click the Connect button, then enter the full Address (either IP or FQDN) of the server and the admin name and password.

The Server should show in green in the "Computers and Services" pane to the left. Click the Triangle to expand it.

Highlight the "Print" service

Click the "Jobs" tab at the bottom.

Select any job in the queue and you may pause, resume, or delete it.