To see the administrative reports on the NWEA website, you must be using a Microsoft Windows PC, Internet Explorer, and have the Crystal Reports Viewer installed on your machine. To install the Crystal Reports Viewer, save the .zip file found here:
to the desktop of your PC. Once saved, "Unzip" the file "" (right-click and choose "expand") and you should have a new folder named "CRWRT". Open this folder and find/open "Setup.exe". This will start the installation. Follow the instructions and accept all defaults. Once installed, you may remove both the file and the CRWRT folder from your computer.
to the desktop of your PC. Once saved, "Unzip" the file "" (right-click and choose "expand") and you should have a new folder named "CRWRT". Open this folder and find/open "Setup.exe". This will start the installation. Follow the instructions and accept all defaults. Once installed, you may remove both the file and the CRWRT folder from your computer.