Downloading NWEA Data

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Downloading NWEA Data
by Lawrence Bean - Wednesday, 14 January 2009, 9:07 AM
Before you download new data, you may want to archive the old data "just in case". At the file server in "Shared Items" you should see a folder called "[school]_NTE" where [school] is the name of your school. You may select the folder and use File->Duplicate to make a copy, or right-click or ctrl-click and select "Compress" or "Archive" to make a zip file of it. Put you archive someplace safe, such as the "ToBeArchived" folder where it will eventually be burned to disk for permanent storage.

Before you download new data, you should clear all the old data. At the file server in "Shared Items" you should see a folder called "[school]_NTE" where [school] is the name of your school. After archiving this folder (if desired), open this folder, select all the items, drag them to the trash, and empty the trash.

At the NWEA Admin PC, be sure you have a network connection to the server: Open MyComputer and look for "[school]_NTE" where [school] is the name of your school. Double-click to open it and be sure you get a folder window with no errors. See the article "Connecting the NWEA Admin PC to the Server" if you have trouble.

Open the NWEA Administration Page (taa.hta) and log in administratively. If you do not have the admin page saved on the desktop of the PC, go to
and save the page to your desktop when prompted. You'll see "taa.hta" saved on the desktop, then you may rename it to anything you like.

From the Tools Menu, select File Server Configuration and ensure the path to the folder is listed correctly (e.g. "\\[school]\[school]_NTE") where [school] is the name of your school. If not, set it by browsing to the folder or simply typing it in manually.

From the NWEA Agencies sidebar select "Download NWEA Agency Data". It will automatically say "School Union 47". Click "Find Agency" and click the plus sign next to School Union 47 to see your school. Select your school and click Next, then click Start Download. After a few moments you should get an alert "Download Agency Data Complete".

From the Students sidebar select "Download Students". Select the Agency (as before) if needed and click Next. After a moment, the number of students found will be shown. Ensure this number seems in the correct ballpark, and click Start Download. After a few moments you should get an alert "Download Students Complete".

From the Tests sidebar, select "Download Test Packages". Select the Agency (as before) if needed and click Next, then click Start Download. This may take some time, but eventually you should get an alert "Download Tests Complete".

At this point, all the new data should be downloaded. You may want to use the sidebars to view the current data to ensure everything look OK. You may also want to download a new copy of the TestTaker software. If you will be using PC's to take the tests, download the PC version installer on the admin PC and put a copy in the [school]_NTE folder. If you will be using Mac's to take the tests, download a copy of the Mac version on any Mac and put a copy in the [school]_NTE folder. This way you can easily get at the installers if they are needed

The final step is to propagate the permissions (see article)