Part One of all exams – which is always closed book/notes -- focuses upon the homework textbook readings. All questions are drawn from the textbook assignment sheet narrative questions (although on the exam, most of the questions will be worded as multiple choice questions).
Part Two of all exams – which is always open book/notes – focuses upon the in-class work. There is usually one essay question and a handful of short answer questions.
Note: The exam must be completed in the class period – BUDGET YOUR TIME (usually about half the period for each part of the exam is recommended). Expect to have very little time on part two to look for and read materials: prepare as though you were going to be taking the entire exam without materials
ALSO NOTE: The use of materials is optional – you will be expected to take the exam whether or not you remember to bring your notebook and textbook to class. And you can use only your own notebook and/or textbook – sharing materials during an exam will be considered cheating for BOTH students involved and will result in a “0” for the exam (which most often will mean a failing grade for the ranking period, given the importance of exams in the final grades). Likewise, ANY talking before EVERY student is finished will be considered cheating and will result in a “0”.