Infinite Campus

Out of District Enrollments

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
Out of District Enrollments
by Lawrence Bean - Monday, 20 October 2008, 4:55 PM
>>> "Wright, Stephanie" <> wrote:
> Gov. Baxter students who are of elementary age (k-8) are enrolled as
> primary in Gov. Baxter with a resident town and SAU listed as your
> district. Baxter is not in the same category as the private special
> purpose schools (such as Sweetser, Spurwink, Merrymeeting, etc).
> Therefore, the student's enrollment is correct as Gov. Baxter as
> primary.
> Gov. Baxter students who are of high school age (9-12) are mainstreamed
> in Portland High and actually attend that school and therefore, Portland
> High enrolls the students as primary, listing the resident town and SAU
> as your district.
> All Gov. Baxter students are 100% State/Fed funded and will not show
> counts on the EPS. The sending school would have to be paying for
> educational costs (which does not include transportation as the
> reimbursement for that is calculated a different way and not through
> EPS).
> The link below brings you to the Directories of Maine Schools. On that
> page, if you view the Private School section there are a few helpful
> lists that you can use. The list of Private Special Purpose schools
> (5e) is a list of schools who would only enter partial (concurrent)
> enrollments with the primary at the sending school (school who is a part
> of the IEP). This list does not include Good Will-Hinckley
> (Averill/Alfond and its programs), Elan, or Gov. Baxter as they are
> different types of schools. Schools on this Private Special Purpose
> list should never enter primary enrollments.
> The list for Non-Traditional Limited Purpose Schools (5d) is also a list
> of schools that would only enter a partial enrollment. However, this
> list is used a lot less because usually students who attend these places
> are receiving their GED and only a few instances are receiving a diploma
> from a sending school. If a student is receiving a diploma from your
> district but attending one of these schools, then you would keep them as
> primary. However, if the student is attending one of these schools but
> receiving a GED (or another diploma/certificate that does not align with
> Maine Learning Results) then your district would transfer the student
> out to a GED program and no one would enter the student.
> I don't think you probably have any students attending the "Big 11"
> schools which are the private/public high schools but if you do, they
> are listed as 5c and they enter primary enrollments (the resident
> district doesn't enter anything).
> Here is the link to the Directories:
> With all that said, if you view a list and see it has not been updated
> in a while, it would never hurt to ask us as to how a student should be
> entered or if the list as has changed. Unfortunately, the Directories
> doesn't have a list of just the private schools who are approved for
> tuition and enter primary enrollments (without comparing list a or b
> with the others), but the financial team has created that list which can
> be found at
> .
> It is actually the tuition rate list, but these schools enter the
> primary unless it's an out of state school in which we will assist you
> in enrolling a student in a Non-Maine School.