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Missed Exam or Quiz

Picture of Richard Joyce
Missed Exam or Quiz
by Richard Joyce - Sunday, 14 September 2008, 11:03 AM
A reminder to all students: the make-up policy (see the Social Studies Syllabus handed out at the beginning of the year and also on moodle) applies most importantly to exams and quizzes. If you miss an exam or quiz due to an unexcused absence, it is a "0". The "unexcused" status  must be dealt with through the office before the 4-day make-up period expires. If the absence is excused (and that includes field trips), it must be made up within two school days of the next class (which means, normally, within 4 school days of the absence). For example, if an exam is given on Monday, it must be made up by Friday. If it is given on Thursday, it must be made up by the following Wednesday (four school days). If an unusual circumstance requires more than 4 days, IT MUST BE PRE-APPROVED BY ME. THAT IS, WITHIN THE 4 DAY MAKE UP PERIOD, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE ME AND GET AN EXTENSION. If you see me on day 5 with a good reason, it is still a "0", regardless of the reason. Please note that exams are NOT ordinarily made up during class time -- they are to be made up after school or during a time when I do not have a class (Blue-1 or white-1).