Cost of Life: Questions

Essential questions

Picture of Cecilia Smith
Essential questions
by Cecilia Smith - Tuesday, 4 May 2010, 10:31 PM
I thought the game was difficult. The game was desperate, and I felt the desperation. The fact that I felt some human emotions was an important part of the learning experience, unlike the migration game.
Essential Questions:
How can we educate all students regardless of age about the difficult situations going on not only in places like Haiti, but right in their own town without scaring them.
How can we call them into action.

Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: Essential questions
by Jean McGuigan - Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 9:57 AM
Cecilia, I agree that this game was difficult. I also agree that human emotions were involved. When I saw the real pictures come onto the screen I felt the emotion of sadness and compassion. For what these people must really be feeling and dealing with to survive not only on a day to day basis but on a minute to minute basis.
Re: Essential questions
by Olga LaPlante - Wednesday, 5 May 2010, 2:55 PM
Do I have an idea for you! You asked about ways to call people into action. Here we go:
Things you can do as community or group of people, ways to connect to other people.
You can also try this if you feel like doing something.