Your essential questions

Essential Questions for "Will You Join Us" game

Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Essential Questions for "Will You Join Us" game
by Mary Ellen Morin - Thursday, 29 April 2010, 2:55 PM
First of all this game is MUCH too difficult yet again for my first graders. I have to say that unless I were teaching an economics class, that this game seems so complicated with so much to read and consider. Of course, I don't teach High School so I don't know how it would apply to them.

If I had to come up with two essential questions they would be:

How does using biofuel affect our country long term?
What are my options if petroleum becomes scarce?
Re: Essential Questions for "Will You Join Us" game
by Robert Jordan - Sunday, 2 May 2010, 8:37 PM
Hi Mary Ellen,
While I think High School students could play the game, I think the underlying are very complex and would take a lot of study. Without this additional study, they wouldn't be getting a whole lot more than your 1st graders.

The game could be used to make some very basic points about environmental vs. economic trade offs, but a detailed consideration of the relative costs and benefits of various energy alternatives would require a careful and skeptical reading of the materials provided in the game and a lot of outside research. It could be a great introductory activity for a larger unit.
Re: Essential Questions for "Will You Join Us" game
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 3 May 2010, 10:04 AM
Quote: "It could be a great introductory activity for a larger unit."
Exactly what I was hoping to get!