Mission Accomplished?

Migrating Birds

Picture of Jean McGuigan
Migrating Birds
by Jean McGuigan - Friday, 23 April 2010, 6:44 PM
I found this game quite challenging. I discovered that the game itself didn't seem to make me think about what I could really do to help the birds, however, the Healthy Backyard Habitat Checklist did give very good suggestions on how a student could improve the environment around them to accommodate the birds.

When clicking on Mission Migration and seeing all the Audubon information on living birds I was overwhelmed with the choices. Playing the game was much easier than all the reading on the bird species.

I learned that I do not have very good keyboard skills when it comes to keeping my flock safe. It took a lot of concentration and skill. I do think that children in 4 to 6 grades may be much better at this since they probably use these skills in their computer usage much more frequently than I do personally.

I would offer this as a possible free choice possibility if it was appropriate.
Re: Migrating Birds
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 26 April 2010, 8:18 AM
Thank you for your commentary. You may have found that most of your colleagues have come up with similar impressions.
When you say that you would offer it as a free choice, what do you mean?
Just to clarify, this is what I have in mind when it comes to using games in the classroom. I think that games can be a great introduction to a topic; they engage and immediately provide something to talk about, a common experience that each student had a shot at. This is not to say that other introductions should not be offered as a choice sometimes. I understand that that's not the kind of choice you had in mind. Do you feel that this game will be something to do when there is no other class activity is "assigned"? If so, why?
Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Re: Migrating Birds
by Mary Ellen Morin - Monday, 26 April 2010, 8:58 AM
I would have to agree with you, Jean. It was a challenge to keep those sweet birds flying. I crashed into the airplane many times and flew through numerous thunderstorms.