Here is my Wild Self
I live in room 102 and feast on the food some students leave in their desks for others to remove. This proves to be a reliable source of nutrition. I defend myself with a skilled attorneys.
I am not sure how I would use this in a high school social studies classroom. Students do like personalizing their work and would like the ability to play / experiment with different features. I could see a similar approach being used to define historical characters with different attributes that corresponded with a variety of political, economic, religious, and social roles.
I live in room 102 and feast on the food some students leave in their desks for others to remove. This proves to be a reliable source of nutrition. I defend myself with a skilled attorneys.
I am not sure how I would use this in a high school social studies classroom. Students do like personalizing their work and would like the ability to play / experiment with different features. I could see a similar approach being used to define historical characters with different attributes that corresponded with a variety of political, economic, religious, and social roles.