
by Robert Jordan - Saturday, 10 April 2010, 11:03 PM
Here is my Wild Self
I live in room 102 and feast on the food some students leave in their desks for others to remove. This proves to be a reliable source of nutrition. I defend myself with a skilled attorneys.

I am not sure how I would use this in a high school social studies classroom. Students do like personalizing their work and would like the ability to play / experiment with different features. I could see a similar approach being used to define historical characters with different attributes that corresponded with a variety of political, economic, religious, and social roles.

Re: BobJWildSelf
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 12 April 2010, 12:10 PM
For social studies, would it be possible to ask if the creature has friends? What helps it survive in a group? How can this be related to human society?
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: BobJWildSelf
by Jean McGuigan - Monday, 12 April 2010, 6:46 PM
I liked your wildself. I think you have adapted to your surroundings well. It appears that you can climb the walls quickly and can fly above others and watch them with your extremely large eyes. Nice Job!
Picture of Martha Simpson
Re: BobJWildSelf
by Martha Simpson - Monday, 12 April 2010, 7:42 PM
Dear Bob,

I like your webbed hands that wouldn't let much get by.

Perhaps students might be able to use this activity to create political cartoons.