Use of Wild Self activity

Picture of Martha Simpson
Use of Wild Self activity
by Martha Simpson - Saturday, 10 April 2010, 3:10 PM
My name is Martita.
I live in the Pit of Morse High School.
I use my horns to defend my territory. No other wild creatures from any other high schools would dare to come in.
With my nocturnal eyes I can even defend my territory during power failures and all hours of the night.
My fossa ears help me track down my favorite food - leftover Culinary Arts scraps being carried away by vampire bats.
I have survived quite well in my zoo for the past fourteen years. If my horns don't scare away predators, I can always use my wings to fly up to the ceiling. Perhaps those wings will stay with me forever and make my commute more green.

I would like to use this activity in both my French I and French II classes when we are studying clothing and/or body parts. I'm wondering if it is possible to switch the entire activity to French or Spanish.
If not, I would have the more advanced students write answers to the above questions in the target language.
It would also be useful with a lesson in which the students are learning the verb 'to be able to' - With ___ears I can _______________.
For beginners, simply describing themselves in writing and orally with correct adjective agreement would be useful.
A guessing game could be made in which all of the pictures are placed on a bulletin board. The students' descriptions (in the target language) are passed out and the students must match up the pictures and descriptions.
Further study of particular animals from francophone and Spanish speaking countries could be done.

Re: Use of Wild Self activity
by Robert Jordan - Saturday, 10 April 2010, 11:13 PM
Nice Job Martha,
You did a much better job than I did at thinking of class activities based on the Wild Things site. I am discovering that there are lots of game sites available on the web, but the trick is finding ones that are fun and engaging in a way that enhances learning. I think your activities would be fun for students and would help them learn.
Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Re: Use of Wild Self activity
by Mary Ellen Morin - Wednesday, 14 April 2010, 10:39 AM
I love the thought you put into your creature and the wonderful description.

I also loved the ideas you came up with. I teach first grade so I would need to modify these idea (and could with some of them).

I loved this activity and know my kids would too.

-Mary Ellen