A good game

what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?

Picture of Cecilia Smith
what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?
by Cecilia Smith - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:05 PM
A player who enjoys celebrating accomplishments.
Re: what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 5 April 2010, 3:09 PM
Does this mean that all players win? What happens if one doesn't win? What makes a good "loser" player?
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?
by Jean McGuigan - Tuesday, 6 April 2010, 5:18 PM
No, not everyone would win but at times all players may give one player a chance to participate on their the appropriate developmental level. A good loser is a person who doesn't care if they win or not but is always ready for another game!
Picture of Kelli Rogers
Re: what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?
by Kelli Rogers - Sunday, 11 April 2010, 6:54 AM
A player may not be the technical winner of the overall game, but I feel that if they have learned something from the experience, they have something to celebrate.
Re: what kind of player will be most successful in you classroom?
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 12 April 2010, 12:20 PM
I know that my kindergartner has a tough time with the concept of just playing. They say that it's appropriate for this age to want to be the first or nothing; truly though something well done is a good enough reason to celebrate.