THURSDAY CLASS (A) RED: Exam #4 -- part 1 (closed book)
Exam #4 -- part 1 (closed book) TODAY
* pick up a scantron card from the table -- remember to use a #2 pencil for the card (answer all questions FIRST on the exam packet (you will receive it back for the final exam review)
* sit any where you like, but maximum two to a table (at opposite ends of the table)
* no electronic devices until the exam is turned in
HOMEWORK: Exam #2 (open book) MONDAY; NOTEBOOK also due Monday
* pick up a scantron card from the table -- remember to use a #2 pencil for the card (answer all questions FIRST on the exam packet (you will receive it back for the final exam review)
* sit any where you like, but maximum two to a table (at opposite ends of the table)
* no electronic devices until the exam is turned in
HOMEWORK: Exam #2 (open book) MONDAY; NOTEBOOK also due Monday