textbook study guide #12: Life Under the Roman Empire

NAME: ________________________ PERIOD: ____

Read chapter 5, sections 3-5, pages 160-177, and answer the questions below in the spaces provided:

1. How did the appearance of Roman statues differ from that of Greek statues? (p. 160)

2. Give two examples of the superb engineering skills of the Romans. (p. 160)

3. What was the weakness of such Roman historians as Livy? (p. 162)

4. What was the paterfamilias in the Roman family? (p. 162)

5. How did the Romans raise their children differently than the Greeks? (p. 162)

6. How did the toga change as a symbol of the end of a Roman boy's childhood at age 16? (p. 162)

7. Why do you think Roman girls legally could marry 2 years younger than Roman boys, and also why Roman girls typically married years before boys (girls usually at age 14)? (p. 162-163)

8. How did the rights of women in Rome change during the early empire, giving them more rights than Greek women typically possessed? (p. 163)

9. What was the most common source of slaves under the Roman Empire, and who was Spartacus? (p. 164)

10. In the Colosseum, why do you think the wealthy and important people had seats in the lower levels, while the poor; slaves and women sat in higher levels? (p. 166)

11. What was the core difference between the new religion of Christianity and traditional Roman and Greek religions? (p. 168)

12. Why did the Romans persecute Christians? (p. 171)

13. What was the importance of the Roman emperor Constantine, in the spread of Christianity? (p. 173)

14. Describe 3 problems that started the decline of the Roman Empire after the death of the last of the so-called "Good Emperors" in A.D. 180 (Marcus Aurelius, the emperor who dies early in the movie "The Gladiator"). (p. 174)

15.What did the emperor Diocletian do to try to stabilize the declining empire)? (p. 175)

16. What happened in A.D. 476 that marked the end of the western Roman Empire? (p. 177)

17. On page 182, read "What a Blast!" Why is the account of 18-year-old Pliny the Younger considered a primary source of information on the effects of the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D.?

18. Again on page 182, read "Athens v. Sparta." Which of the two Greek city-states do you think Rome was most like? Explain your conclusion.