iBooks & MacBooks

iBook Reset Procedures

In Yamouth ... England, that is.
iBook Reset Procedures
by Lawrence Bean - Tuesday, 25 November 2008, 9:59 AM
Please try the following reset procedures. Do the first one and see if there's any improvement. If not, do the second one and check again. Finally try the third. If all three result in no improvement, we may need to replace your airport card.

Power Manager Reset:

1) Remove the battery and unplug AC
2) Hold shift-ctrl-option-power for a slow count of 10
3) Release the keys and attach AC power
4) Hold shift-ctrl-option-power for a slow count of 10 again
5) Release the keys and press power button

PRAM Reset (Parameter Random Access Memory):

1) Remove the battery and unplug AC
2) Re-attach the AC
3) With your left hand, hold down option-apple-R
4) With your right hand, press the power button then immediately after hold down the "P" key
5) Let the computer chime 5 times, then release all four keys. If you hear no chimes, watch the light on the "Caps Lock" key and/or listen to the CD-ROM and the hard-drive sounds. They should cycle 5 times.

Open Firmware Reset

1) Remove the battery and unplug AC
2) Re-attach the AC
3) With your left hand, hold down option-apple-F
4) With your right hand, press the power button then immediately after hold down the "O" key
5) If you have video, you should see some text on the screen followed by a prompt
6) Type "reset-nvram" and press enter/return
7) Type "reset-all" and press enter/return