To connect to the file servers, you must either be in one of the SU47 buildings or you must be using VPN software to get through the Firewalls. Please see the Firewall help conference in TechSupport for more information on VPN.
If you are using Windows2000 or WindowsXP:
It is always a good idea with Windows Laptops to use the Wallet/Bank method of saving files. Only keep on your laptop the files with which you know you will be actively working. As soon as you are done with a file for a while, put it on the server and delete it from your laptop. This keeps your files safe from computer problems (the server is backed up every night), and also protects your data if your laptop is lost or stolen.
If you are using Windows2000 or WindowsXP:
Open "My Network Places" on your desktop
Click "Next" when the window appears
Select "Choose Another Network Location" and click Next
From here, try the following Methods below
if you do not see this option:
Go to Start->MyNetworkPlaces (on the right, halfway up)
Go to Start->MyComputer (on the right, halfway up)
In the left panel called "Other Places", click "My Network Places"
Click "Add a Network Place", either an icon or a menu choice to the leftClick "Next" when the window appears
Select "Choose Another Network Location" and click Next
From here, try the following Methods below
BROWSE METHOD, If you are in the same building as the server:
PLEASE NOTE: If your username/password that you use to start up your Windows computer is exactly the same as the username/password you use to connect to the server, when you browse Windows *should* automatically "see" the server and know which folders you have permission to use. They will then show in the list when you browse the network.
Click "Browse"
Click the "+" next to "Entire Network"
Continue to click "+"s next to items until you find the server, usually showing with the same name as the school, and is usually located in "Workgroup"
Right-Click the server and choose "Connect" from the pop-up
Enter your username and password and click OK
LOCATION METHOD, If Browse does not work, or if you are in a different building than the server:
In the location box enter the address of your server for the proper school:
Where [school] is replaced by Phippsburg, WestBath or Woolwich as appropriate
If you wish to make connections to shared folders other than Staff, such as a Grade folder or the WebFolder, simply repeat the process replacing "\Staff" with "\[share]" where [share] is the name of whatever folder you want, for example:
If you're unsure what the name of the share is, please ask, or look at the listing that is shown when you login using a Macintosh computer in the building.
Click the "Next" button
Enter your username and password and click OK
FTP METHOD, If neither of the above works, in the location box try entering:
Where [school] is replaced by Phippsburg, WestBath or Woolwich as appropriate
Click the "Next" button
Un-check "Log in anonymously", enter your username, click "Next"
Next you will be asked to name this location. It does not matter what you put in the next box for a name. It is just a nickname for your use so you know what the shortcut is. Accept the default, or put in whatever moves you, and click "Next" and "Finish"
If you are using the FTP method, in a moment, you should be prompted for your password. If you check the "remember password" box, *anyone* who uses this computer will be able to connect to the server as you ... so I suggest you do not do this. Enter your password and click "Login" or "Log On".
You should now be successfully connected to the server and see a window with the server items available to you.
Shortcuts: You may right-click-and-drag server items (e.g. Grade1, Staff, FreeParking) to your desktop, then choose "Create Shortcut Here" to make a quick-access point, or open items (e.g. Staff) and do the same with items inside (e.g. LBean folder). Opening a shortcut may prompt you for your password, then give you access to the item. If you are outside the SU47 buildings, you will need to have an active VPN connection to get through the firewalls.
Getting things: You may right-click->copy items on the server, then right-click->paste in the destination area on your computer you want them to go. This is almost always better than working "live" from the server with Windows machines. If you double-click to open large documents, you may not be pleased with the speed.
Putting things back: You may right-click->copy items on your computer, then right-click->paste in the server folder you want it to go. It's best with Windows to keep your filenames less than 16 characters long, use nothing other than letters and numbers (not even spaces), and be sure every file has the ".xxx" file extension on the end so Windows will know what program to use to open the file.
It is always a good idea with Windows Laptops to use the Wallet/Bank method of saving files. Only keep on your laptop the files with which you know you will be actively working. As soon as you are done with a file for a while, put it on the server and delete it from your laptop. This keeps your files safe from computer problems (the server is backed up every night), and also protects your data if your laptop is lost or stolen.