Missing Student Work -- make-up policy

Picture of Richard Joyce
Missing Student Work -- make-up policy
by Richard Joyce - Sunday, 17 October 2010, 11:17 AM
Students who miss classwork due to an excused absence have 5 school days to make up the work.

Students are responsible for checking the World History moodle website to determine what they missed on the day(s) the class was missed. In most cases, the work itself is available on the moodle site and can be printed off and completed.

If the student needs help with the missing work, or the missing work is something they must make up in my presence (such as an exam), it is his/her responsibility to see me and arrange a make up time and/or a a time to get assistance from me (normally, after school or before school).

If there is an unusual circumstance that prevents the student from making up the work within the 5 school days, it is again his/her responsibility to see me within the 5 day period and arrange a time line to complete the work.

Please feel free to talk to me if you have any questions.