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The end is in sight

The end is in sight
by Olga LaPlante - Tuesday, 1 June 2010, 8:14 AM
Good morning, everyone!
How nice to have had a long weekend, and now it's pretty much home stretch.
Some of you have had to take a break from this course to attend to more immediate and urgent needs, which is to be reckoned with, and this whole end of year business can wreck havoc on most organized of us, not to mention mere mortals.
Anyway, if it possible, I ask you to wrap up the assignments soon, set a deadline for yourselves that will be most reasonable, and stick to it.
For those who have completed all/most of the assignments, including the final feedback, thank you very much for your time and your ideas!
Wishing everyone a great summer, and hoping to see you at the summer institute in August!