Post your essential questions for your game

Redistricting Game

Redistricting Game
by Robert Jordan - Sunday, 9 May 2010, 10:06 PM
Here is the Game I am planning to use with my AP US History Class:

The Redistricting Game

The Essential Question (Task) is: Evaluate the redistricting process used to create Congressional districts in the United States.

Re: Redistricting Game
by Olga LaPlante - Monday, 10 May 2010, 7:40 AM
May I clarify your question/task?
So the students will evaluate and then suggest their own plan (to their school?)? Or will they write a recommendation to their Senators? What will their final product look like?
If you were to make this task into a question, what would it be?
Re: Redistricting Game
by Robert Jordan - Wednesday, 12 May 2010, 6:21 AM
Hi Olga,
I posted this on the "Assessment for the Project" Wiki. It was a writing prompt that built on my essential question / task. I have used the game in several classes and students will have complete the writing prompt next class. I will let you know how it goes.

I have posted the prompt here too:

My Assessment for the redistricting game is a writing prompt based on my essential question with some additional cues that encourage students to demonstrate their understanding of the issues involved with redistricting.

Evaluate the redistricting process used to create Congressional districts in the United States. Your answer should demonstrate your understanding of the following related subtopics.

  • Describe the basic features and requirements of the redistricting process.
  • Identify the various objectives people may pursue when they design a redistricting plan.
  • Describe how political considerations may influence the process.
  • Describe how the process can be manipulated to serve or frustrate the interests of specific groups.
  • Evaluate the fairness and equity of the process.
  • Evaluate proposals for reforming the redistricting process and create your own suggestions for reform.
Picture of Martha Simpson
Re: Redistricting Game
by Martha Simpson - Tuesday, 11 May 2010, 7:58 PM
Bob, I like the topic of your game. It is a civics topic that the students can learn to understand better and apply to their own locales.
Re: Redistricting Game
by Robert Jordan - Wednesday, 12 May 2010, 6:25 AM
Thanks Martha. I used it with four of my classes and the kids really liked it a lot. They were fully engaged and learned a lot about the redistricting process. I supplemented the game with some background instruction on the census, the structure of Congress and quick explanation of how the process of drawing district lines can be manipulated for political advantage. It really worked well.