Mission Accomplished?

Migration Game

Picture of Kelli Rogers
Migration Game
by Kelli Rogers - Thursday, 29 April 2010, 10:07 AM
I'm not sure that goal has been completely reached. I feel as though it brings up some great points about how everyday choices can effect the fate of migrating birds, however, I found that I was just so focused on trying to complete the game, that I wasn't really able to pay attention to the message. (I wasn't very good....). I do think that some of my students would really enjoy the game, however, I do have students that aren't very tech savvy and would find it really difficult. This would require a lot of pre-teaching but would fit perfectly into an Earth Day unit or a unit on Migration.
Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Re: Migration Game
by Mary Ellen Morin - Thursday, 29 April 2010, 11:17 AM
I agree completely. It seems as if most people had the same reaction to this game.