Wild Thing

Picture of Jean McGuigan
Wild Thing
by Jean McGuigan - Monday, 12 April 2010, 6:39 PM
Here is my creation. I live in a place where I can climb with my arms and my tail. I do however have big feet which make it harder for me to move than my friends. I think the best way for me to defend myself is to stay inside and never see the sunlight.
I'm endangered because of my horns being poached. I selected these parts to make a funny creature and I had a great time playing with this web site. I'm sure the chances of anyone else being a HISS-FEN-RHI-GIB-PHANT-ISH-MONITOR ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Wild Thing
by Olga LaPlante - Wednesday, 14 April 2010, 7:58 AM
You have come up with a fascinating wild self. You are quite versatile, and have a few things to defend yourself. These are quite wild parts!
That's one thing you can point out, the rareness of certain creatures. This is an easy activity to like. It's also very open-ended, so you make it what you want.
Picture of Mary Ellen Morin
Re: Wild Thing
by Mary Ellen Morin - Wednesday, 14 April 2010, 10:35 AM are too funny. How are you going to keep up with all the kids if you have giant elephant feet and that big nose to haul around. Guess you could just knock them out of the way if they don't respond.

I do like the long arms....all the better to reach out with (said the evil wolf).

Great job!
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: Wild Thing
by Jean McGuigan - Thursday, 15 April 2010, 10:02 AM
Mary Ellen, The thing with my feet is that I am training the kids to come to me so I don't have to move as much. It seems to be working for me. Thanks for the note.
Picture of Darcy Emerson
Re: Wild Thing
by Darcy Emerson - Wednesday, 14 April 2010, 9:21 PM
Hey Jean- Your feet may be large, but those ears will pick up any noise for a mile around and you'll hear any enemy coming! We both chose the hissing cockroach antennas- to me there was something kind of mischievous about them. I was wondering if the boot/cast you are having to wear makes you think that your feet are slow? When you get that off your foot, you'll have to change your "Wild Thing's" feet to gazelle hooves!
We also chose arms that are very similar, I picked my arms because I thought they would be great for tree climbing, so giving my Wild Thing a plan for escape in case of an attack by a predatory Wild Thing. The smiley face on your t-shirt goes really well with the rhino-face you have. This was a creative and fun activity!
Picture of Jean McGuigan
Re: Wild Thing
by Jean McGuigan - Thursday, 15 April 2010, 9:56 AM
Darcy, It is amazing that you picked up in my animal how I was feeling that day. I did pick the elephant legs because my feet we very tired. I also agree that this is a very fun website.
Picture of Kelli Rogers
Re: Wild Thing
by Kelli Rogers - Thursday, 29 April 2010, 6:35 AM
I don't think that you would have to worry about many behaviors from students!