Here is my creation. I live in a place where I can climb with my arms and my tail. I do however have big feet which make it harder for me to move than my friends. I think the best way for me to defend myself is to stay inside and never see the sunlight.
I'm endangered because of my horns being poached. I selected these parts to make a funny creature and I had a great time playing with this web site. I'm sure the chances of anyone else being a HISS-FEN-RHI-GIB-PHANT-ISH-MONITOR ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm endangered because of my horns being poached. I selected these parts to make a funny creature and I had a great time playing with this web site. I'm sure the chances of anyone else being a HISS-FEN-RHI-GIB-PHANT-ISH-MONITOR ARE FEW AND FAR BETWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!