This procedure will synchronize the Campus Student Enrollment with Nutrikids Point of Sale. Any students who do not match will be de-activated in Nutrikids. Do this at the end of each work day.
It will synchronize the following fields:
Campus LocalOptions POS PIN with NutriKids Student#
Campus Student StateID with NutriKids Alternate ID
Campus First Name with Nutrikids First Name
Campus Last Name with Nutrikids Last Name
Campus Middle Name with Nutrikids M.I.
Campus School Number with Nutrikids School Number
Campus Student Grade with Nutrikids Student Grade
Campus Homeroom with Nutrikids Homeroom
Campus Language with Nutrikids Language
Campus Student Birthdate with Nutrikids Date of Birth
Campus Enrollment Economic Indicator with Nutrikids Meal Status
In Infinite Campus, be sure the Year is set to the current year and the School is set to "All Schools"
Go to: Index->AdHocReporting->DataExport->Lunch->"student Nutrikids Export"
Select Export Format -> "Tab Delimited Values"
Click Export
Minimize Campus
In Nutrikids select Tools->Backup and save
Select Features->"Import/Setup District Data"
Select "Import District Data" -> "Student Import"
Scan the sample records to see what will be imported to ensure it looks correct
Click Import
Check all pages of the Import Results Report for anything suspicious
Minimize Nutrikids
Right-Click on the computer desktop and select Refresh from the pop-up menu
You should see "extract.txt" and "POSBackup.dat" appear on the desktop
Right-Click on "extract.txt" and rename it to the current date (YYYY.MM.DD.txt) and put it in the Campus Exports folder
Right-Click on "POSBackup.dat" and rename it to the current date (YYYY.MM.DD.dat) and put it in the Nutrikids Backups folder
It will synchronize the following fields:
Campus LocalOptions POS PIN with NutriKids Student#
Campus Student StateID with NutriKids Alternate ID
Campus First Name with Nutrikids First Name
Campus Last Name with Nutrikids Last Name
Campus Middle Name with Nutrikids M.I.
Campus School Number with Nutrikids School Number
Campus Student Grade with Nutrikids Student Grade
Campus Homeroom with Nutrikids Homeroom
Campus Language with Nutrikids Language
Campus Student Birthdate with Nutrikids Date of Birth
Campus Enrollment Economic Indicator with Nutrikids Meal Status
In Infinite Campus, be sure the Year is set to the current year and the School is set to "All Schools"
Go to: Index->AdHocReporting->DataExport->Lunch->"student Nutrikids Export"
Select Export Format -> "Tab Delimited Values"
Click Export
Minimize Campus
In Nutrikids select Tools->Backup and save
Select Features->"Import/Setup District Data"
Select "Import District Data" -> "Student Import"
Scan the sample records to see what will be imported to ensure it looks correct
Click Import
Check all pages of the Import Results Report for anything suspicious
Minimize Nutrikids
Right-Click on the computer desktop and select Refresh from the pop-up menu
You should see "extract.txt" and "POSBackup.dat" appear on the desktop
Right-Click on "extract.txt" and rename it to the current date (YYYY.MM.DD.txt) and put it in the Campus Exports folder
Right-Click on "POSBackup.dat" and rename it to the current date (YYYY.MM.DD.dat) and put it in the Nutrikids Backups folder