LEARNING TARGET: Was the U.S. Constitution, essentially a document that reflected POLICY-FORMULATION, in violation of the RULE OF LAW insofar as it allowed the continuation of African-American slavery?
* introduction of case study on Congressional powers: adoption of the U.S. Constitution through PLESSY V. FERGUSON (1789-1896)
HOMEWORK: rough drafts of the appellate brief and the student briefs (typed) due by MARCH 21 (sample appellate brief is available on the course MOODLE website)
* introduction of case study on Congressional powers: adoption of the U.S. Constitution through PLESSY V. FERGUSON (1789-1896)
HOMEWORK: rough drafts of the appellate brief and the student briefs (typed) due by MARCH 21 (sample appellate brief is available on the course MOODLE website)