NAME: _________________________

LEARNING TARGET: Find at least 3 precedent cases for your Project Moot Court case.

* final project research period -- turn in before leaving the three (or more) precedent cases you found for your project PLUS decide who is arguing for each of the parties

** deadline TODAY for turning in the two moot court packets -- will be returned and discussed in tomorrow's class

HOMEWORK: Moot Court brief deadline the last class before April vacation

* name of project case: ______________________________________

* student attorney for appellant/petitioner _____________________

* student attorney for appellee/respondent ____________________

** precedent cases:

#1 ___________________________________________

#2 ___________________________________________

#3 ___________________________________________

HOMEWORK: Moot Court brief deadline the last week before April vacation. Exam #3 part 1 (closed book) is Wednesday April 2nd; part 2 (open book) is Thursday April 3rd.