LEARNING TARGET: What were the distinctive features of growing up Spartan?
** if you did not finish textbook study guide #6 on the Spartans OR the Greece map (both done in class on Monday before vacation) the deadline for completion is TODAY -- I will return UNFINISHED papers to do in class FIRST today (also, some people did NOT turn in one or the other of these assignments; if it is marked "missing" in Infinite Campus, turn it in TODAY)
THEN COMPLETE THE ACTIVITY BELOW (if necessary, this can be completed and turned in later this week as homework):
* activity: using the articles "Growing Up Spartan" and "The Spartan Family" complete a graphic organizer and turn in a reaction drawing on the experience of living as Spartan (use color)
HOMEWORK: PART 1 of History film project (12-part outline) is due TODAY
** if you did not finish textbook study guide #6 on the Spartans OR the Greece map (both done in class on Monday before vacation) the deadline for completion is TODAY -- I will return UNFINISHED papers to do in class FIRST today (also, some people did NOT turn in one or the other of these assignments; if it is marked "missing" in Infinite Campus, turn it in TODAY)
THEN COMPLETE THE ACTIVITY BELOW (if necessary, this can be completed and turned in later this week as homework):
* activity: using the articles "Growing Up Spartan" and "The Spartan Family" complete a graphic organizer and turn in a reaction drawing on the experience of living as Spartan (use color)
HOMEWORK: PART 1 of History film project (12-part outline) is due TODAY