Law & Terrorism

NAME: ___________________________

Read in STREET LAW chapter 17, "Law & Terrorism" pages 204-207 and answer the questions below on composition paper:

1. Is the war on terrorism similar to other war's when rights have been restricted? How is it the same? How is it different?

2. Where does the President's constitutional authority authority come from to place limits on citizens' rights in "waging war on terrorism"?

3. Assume you are a Supreme Court Justice asked to examine the constitutionality of the Patriot Act. Which civil liberties would you see as impacted by the Patriot Act?

4. In "The Case of the Sneak and Peak Search" (page 206), what reasons might federal agents give for not obtaining a search warrant and presenting it to Maria?

5. In the same case, what arguments might be used by Maria that she should have been informed of her rights?

6. If you were a justice, how would you decide this case and why?

Read in STREET LAW chapter 17, "Law & Terrorism" pages 207-209 and answer the questions below:

7. Read problem 17.4 (page 208). If you were the government, what reasons would you give for detaining Achmed?

8. You are a justice -- were Achmed's rights violated? Explain.

9. Read problem 17.5 on page 209. Should Jackson be tried in a U.S. criminal court or in a military tribunal? Explain your conclusions.

10. Jackson, and others like him, would prefer to be tried in a criminal court. Why?

Read in "WE THE PEOPLE" pages 289 (starting with "What is International Law" to 291 (ending with "How Can Americans Influence International Relations"). Then answer the questions below:

11. What makes the operation of the International Law system fundamentally different from the operation of domestic criminal law system maintained by countries such as the United States?

12. How does the United Nations represent a limited attempt to solve the problem of enforcement of international laws?

13. Why is the United Nations limited in its ability to enforce International Law in the same ways that countries enforce their domestic laws?