History Project

Objective: Discover the strengths and weaknesses of historical movies as a means of learning the "facts" about the past.

Task 1: Select an historical movie that you would like to use in your project. The movie can cover any historical event from the late 19th century to the present, BUT must be adapted from an historical book/article or cover the same event(s) as the film (you will be expected to read the book/article). Submit to me by e-mail or moodle or hard copy the title, publication date and author of the book/article and the title, release date and director of the movie. In the case of more than one student selecting the same movie and book/article, the student from whom I first receive the e-mail or moodle message will have that movie and book/article for his/her project.

Task 2: Read the book/article and watch the movie (in the order you please). Complete an type-written analysis of the book/article and film. Turn the analysis in BEFORE moving on to task 3.

1) Summary of the event(s) which is the subject of the film and book/article

2) Areas in which the film and the book/article either present conflicting views/perspectives and/or differences in focus and/or perspective

3) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each media (book/article and film) in conveying accurately and fully the event(s)

Task 3: Prepare a power point presentation (or a standard presentation or video presentation), presenting the results of task 2 (5 to 10 minute presentation).

Task 4: Arrange a date with me to give your presentation (if a power point presentation, be sure to save your presentation either on the school district server or on a flashdrive or on your own laptop).