in-class #3: John Brown (textbook)
In the textbook, read in chapter 8, section 2, "Analyzing Supreme Court Cases: Dred Scott v. Sandford" (page 297) AND "John Brown's Raid" (page 301). Answer the following questions:
Dred Scott:
1. How did Chief Justice Taney reach the conclusion that Congress had no right to prohibit slavery?
Since slavery was allowed when the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were enacted, it was clear there was no intent to include African-Americans under the category of constitutionally-protected "persons"
2. How did one of the two dissenting justices (John Mclean) argue that Congress did have authority over slavery?
The fact that the Constitution allowed slavery did not mean governments could not eliminate it. And once a slave was freed, he or she fell under the protected category as a "person" and could not be re-enslaved
3. Which argument do you feel is stronger? Explain.
John Brown's Raid:
4. How did most Southerners react to John Brown's raid? Why?
reacted with anger and believed that Northerners supported Brown's raid
5. How did most Northerners react
Many Northernes felt Brown was a hero and martyr; others respected his motives but felt he was justly convicted of treason and hanged