Rhetoric is the art of using language to persuade. AP Language and Composition prepares students to use the arts of ancient and modern rhetoric so they may write and speak effectively, and better understand the writing and speaking strategies of others. Students will prepare to take the Advanced Placement exam given at the beginning of May.

This course is primarily designed for seniors with a love a language and literature who want to work and achieve a deeper understanding of what they read.

Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about

This is the place for Mrs. Stanton's Junior Honors class to meet and work.

Morse offers two courses in Reading:
1) Reading Improvement is for students working 2 years behind level who want to improve their skills.
2) Reading for College is for students reading at or above level who want to improve speed, vocabulary, and test-taking skills to get ready for college level work. Students in both levels also follow the Great Books approach while engaging serious literature in a fresh, independent way that encourages them to form and answer their own questions.