You may use this constructivist lesson plan
  • Standards are clearly cited.
  • Concepts are clearly related to the game/simulation used and require higher level thinking skills.
  • The essential question is open-ended.
  • Criteria for success are clearly defined. Students who try hard, participate, collaborate and construct knowledge will be successful. Students can't do well simply based on their natural aptitude or prior knowledge.
  • Diverse learners have a way to learn differently, and express themselves differently. For example, not knowing how to read (in English) will not prevent a student from successful completion and participation (obviously, as long as the goal of the activity is not to learn to read).
  • Resources include online, offline material and human sources.
  • Technology-rich classroom needs are addressed (classroom management, troubleshooting, and backup plan in case technology fails).
  • All 5 E's are clear and authentic.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 3:14 PM