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unequal treatyA treaty forced upon a country being dominated by another during Imperialism. These treaties often gave the imperialistic nation the ability to do whatever they needed to do in pursuit of profit. |
United NationsAn international body composed of many countries that seeks to promote peace, prosperity, and cooperation around the world. It was formed in 1945 at the end of World War II. |
United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)An organization within the United Nations that works to provide food, clothing, and other assistance to children in need around the world. UNICEF was founded in 1946. |
United States ConstitutionDocument creating the United States government. Based on Enlightenment ideas. Ratified in 1788. |
Universal Declaration of Human RightsA document published by the United Nations in 1948 stating that all people had certain basic rights including life, liberty, equality, justice and self determination. Source Document: Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
UntouchablesMembers of Hindu society thought to have been removed from the Caste System, with no hope of returning to it, due to their misdeeds in previous lives. Work that is deemed unclean for all other Hindus is reserved for these Outcasts. After winning its independence from Great Britain in 1947, India adopted a national constitution which stated that "Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden." Since that time many Caste reforms have been enacted to diminish discriminatory practices in India. Today, the Caste System still exists in practice, despite the many laws designed to legally abolish it. |
UpanishadsHindu holy book from the 8th century BCE. |
urbanizationThe movement of people to urban areas in search of work. |