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C |
Cabinet SystemCollection of people who run various departments in government. Usually report to the chief executive, such as the prime Minister, or the President. |
Caesar, Julius(100-44 BCE), Roman general and statesman. He is responsible for setting up the imperial system in Rome which placed his grandnephew, Augustus, on the throne. |
calendarA system for keeping track of time. |
CaliphIn Islam, the successor to the Prophet Mohammed. |
calligraphyA form of fine handwriting. |
Calvin, John(1509-1564) Theologian and church reformer who developed a form of Protestantism during the Reformation. His church is known for the idea of predestination, which states certain people are predestined for heaven. |
cannonA weapon which uses an iron ball as a projectile and gunpowder as the blasting agent. |
Canon on MedicineA book written by Ibn Sina, a famous Islamic physician, which was an encyclopedia of Greek, Arabic, and his own knowledge of medicine. This book became the standard medical text in Europe for over five hundred years. |
Cape of Good HopeSouthern tip of the African continent. |
capitalMoney that is used for investment. |
capitalismAn economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods. Also promotes a free market regulated by supply and demand. |
caravelA Portuguese ship that had a large cargo area and used two orthree masts. |
Carbon-14 DatingA chemical analysis used to resolve the age of organic material based on their content of the radioisotope carbon-14. |
Cardinal Richelieu(1585-1642) French Cardinal and politician responsible for instituting absolutist practices in France. |
cartographyThe skill of making maps. |
Cash Crop EconomyAn economic system based on the exportation of certain crops such as sugar, cotton, and coffee. |
Cashed CropsA readily salable crop that is grown and gethered for the market. |
Caste SystemA rigid social class system in Hinduism. |
Castro, Fidel(1926?- ) Leader of the Cuban Revolution and communist dictator of Cuba. He is responsible for making Cuba a socialist country which has often been at odds with the United States. Notably, the bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis. |
Catherine the GreatAn enlightened despot who ruled over Russia. She is responsible for many positive changes in Russia, as well as securing the country a warm water port. |
causewayA paved road or path. |
CavalryMounted warriors. |
Cavour, Camillo(1810-61) Prime Minister of Sardinia, a large Italian State. He formed alliances with other foreign powers to help end Austria's and Spain's control. Instrumental in the unification of Italy. |
CEDate designation meaning Common Era, or the last two thousand years of history. |
censorshipThe suppression information considered offensive or a threat to security. |