* moot court project work

** MONDAY CLASS -- I will be with 9th graders on Community Service Day and juniors have the day off; the remaining 6 people should go to a study hall in room 149

REMINDER: turn in study guide "Civil Rights Movement and Gender" (assigned April 11), along with the MAGRUDER textbook and the WE THE PEOPLE textbook


* Review the blue handout "Mock Supreme Court hearings. Before you leave class today, get together with the other person arguing your case and decide which day you would like to argue AND which of you will argue first (determine who the appellant is)

* review the blue handout "Rubric for Moot Courts -- Substantive" (on one side) and "Procedural" on the reverse side. If you have any questions on grading, discuss it with me.

* You have a packet of ALL the briefs given to me. Review them and on the blue sheet titled "Moot Court Case Justice Role Sign-Ups", write your name AND the TWO cases you would like to serve as a JUSTICE. When finished, drop the blue sheet in the basket. DO NOT LOSE THE PACKET OF BRIEFS -- I DO NOT HAVE SPARES AS I HAVE KILLED ENOUGH TREES. YOU WILL NEED THE PACKET FOR THE MOOT HEARINGS AND FOR THE NEXT EXAM.

* Take the "Case Worksheet -- Graphic Organizer" and use it to outline your oral argument. Name of the case in the middle, bullet points (up to 4 arguments you plan to use) and, where applicable, the name of the PRECEDENT case that supports each argument. Drop this in the basket before leaving today (don't forget your name).

HOMEWORK: moot court arguments the week of May 13-17