Crucible of Civilization -- The Greeks -- episode 1 study guide: Revolution (50 minutes)

NAME: ______________________________

1. Early Athenian government was based on the "rule of the few" (oligarchy), the few being the

2. The Greek aristocrat Cleisthenes introduced the world to a new type of government when he set up in Athens a system based upon "the rule of the many", which the Greeks called


3. Until very late in its history (under King Philip and Alexander the Great), there was no Greek nation. Instead Greece was made up of independent city-states, which totaled over

4. Athens chief rival in Greece was Sparta, in which the male citizens pursued only one profession -- the military -- with the other occupations carried out by conquered Greeks called

5. For a period of time, Athens was ruled by one person called a __________.

6. Historians have learned a great deal about daily life in Athens and in other Greek city-states by studying the pictures of life painted on

7. When the Greek people overthrew their tyrant, it was the first recorded instance in history of common citizens launching an event which occurred in American history between 1776-1783, a

8. What event happened every 4 years at Olympia, Greece? _______________

9. Who was allowed to participate in the Olympic Games? ________________

10. Besides the olive wreath given for victory in the Olympic Games (still the symbol today of the modern Olympic Games), what was the other prize for the victor in a competition?

11. What role did women have at the Olympic Games? ____________________

12. Why does the narrator -- actor Liam Neeson -- refer to the Olympics as a "meritocracy"?


13. Who did Cleisthenes' rivals for power turn to for help in seizing power in Athens?

14. How did Athenians register their votes in the Assembly under Cleisthenes' democracy?
