textbook study guide #8 -- The Great Peloponnesian War

NAME: _______________________ PERIOD: ______

For questions 1-8, read page 123 ("The Great Peloponnesian War") and use the map on page 122

1.After the combined forces of the Greek city-states defeated the second Persian invasion, the Great Peloponnesian War broke out between Athens and Sparta in 431 B.C. Why?

2. Why did the Athenians elect to stay behind their city walls as a strategy in the war with Sparta?

3. How does the map of the war on page 122 demonstrate why Athenians felt they could stay behind their walls indefinitely?

4. What happened in the second year of the war that badly hurt the chances of the Athenians to win?

5. The final blow to Athens came when what happened to their navy?

6. What did the Spartans do the city of Athens after their military victory? Why do you think the Spartans did it?

7. In the long run, Sparta also was weakened by the war, despite their victory. Why?

8. Again using the map on page 122, which future major power in Greece, the home later of Alexander the Great, was allied to Sparta? (hint: northern portion of Greece)