Battles B.C.: Alexander -- God of War (study guide)

NAME: ________________________________

1. In what modern day country did Alexander deliver the knock out blow to the Persian Empire? -- IRAQ

2. What new "weapon" does Alexander first encounter in India?

3. What other two modern-day "hot spots" were the sites of major victories by Alexander and the Greeks three years before he invaded India?


4. How is Alexander's fighting style different from the tactics used by earlier Greeks (such as the Athenians and the Spartans?

5. Why did Alexander want a cavalry fight rather than an infantry fight at the battle of Hydaspes?

6. How does Alexander neutralize King Porus' elephants?

7. Why didn't Alexander want to kill Porus, the Indian king?

8. How is Alexander's infantry phalanx different from earlier Greek phalanxes, such as the Spartan phalanx?

9. What is the best guess about what caused Alexander's death at 33?

10. How did the American forces in Desert Storm copy Alexander's tactics against Saddam Hussein's Iraqi armed forces?