(A) put your name on the exam packet AND your class section color
(B) circle the BEST answer for each of the questions
(C) when finished, come up and get SCANTRON CARD -- put your name in the box: no other information needed
(D) transcribe from the exam packet on to the card the selected answer, coloring in with a pencil the box containing the letter [SEE SAMPLE SCANTRON CARD COPY THE TABLE]
(E) place the card in the exam packet, drop both into the white basket, and pick up your journal
PART 2 -- OPEN BOOK/NOTES-- 5-paragraph thesis ESSAY -- directions
(A) inside the journal is the exam sheet; if you don't have a journal booklet, get a new one from me: all essays are to be hand-written (sentences and complete paragraphs) in the journal -- NO USE OF technology (I-pad, etc.)
(B) when finished, put the exam sheet into the journal, and leave the journal beside the white basket
(A) put your name on the exam packet AND your class section color
(B) circle the BEST answer for each of the questions
(C) when finished, come up and get SCANTRON CARD -- put your name in the box: no other information needed
(D) transcribe from the exam packet on to the card the selected answer, coloring in with a pencil the box containing the letter [SEE SAMPLE SCANTRON CARD COPY THE TABLE]
(E) place the card in the exam packet, drop both into the white basket, and pick up your journal
PART 2 -- OPEN BOOK/NOTES-- 5-paragraph thesis ESSAY -- directions
(A) inside the journal is the exam sheet; if you don't have a journal booklet, get a new one from me: all essays are to be hand-written (sentences and complete paragraphs) in the journal -- NO USE OF technology (I-pad, etc.)
(B) when finished, put the exam sheet into the journal, and leave the journal beside the white basket