in-class #23: The Holocaust
Read chapter 20, section 3 only ("The Holocaust") on pages 694-701 and answer the questions below (be sure you are able to identify the bold italicized terms:
1. What were the Nuremburg Laws, passed in Germany in 1935?
2. What was Kristallnacht?
3. On page 696 is a famous photograph that shows a small Jewish boy with arms raised during a round up by Nazi soldiers of Polish Jews for deportation to concentration camps. How do you think this photo, taken by Nazis, had a propaganda effect on world opinion that the Nazis did not anticipate?
4. What was the Final Solution and how was it to be carried out?
5. How do you think Amrican and British soldiers reacted to the sights you see in photos of concentration camps? (one of these soldiers -- William Golding --was so horrified it led him to write the book Lord of the Flies)?